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Decaturish.com designer sleeps at Home Depot during storm


Decaturish.com designer sleeps at Home Depot during storm

Brittany Luiz

Brittany Luiz

Brittany Luiz, the talented designer who created Decaturish’s iconic logo, had a rough commute yesterday.

She left her job in Sandy Springs at 12:30 pm and spent the next 10 hours in traffic driving five miles during Atlanta’s epic snow storm. With her cell phone dead and no place else to turn, she took refuge in a nearby Home Depot.

“The traffic [in Atlanta] usually is bad, but I have never been in my car for that long and not been going on a trip,” Luiz told Business Insider. “Typically, my commute is anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half, and it took me 10 hours and I still had 14 miles left to go.”

It’s an amazing story. To read the full article, click here.

I’m very glad Brittany is OK. This website just wouldn’t be what it is without her.